Josie Gronbach, PsyD, LP

Clinical Psychologist, Owner

Hey, there! I’m Josie.

I am licensed in the state of Minnesota (as well as able to see clients in 41 other states) as a clinical psychologist and the owner of Blue Sage Psychology, PLLC.

While I am sure you may have many questions as you seek to find the best fit therapist for you, here are a few things that are important to me as a clinician:

  • Holding a judgment-free, compassionate space. Come as you, bring all of it - even the messy, painful, silly, or hard stuff!

  • Creating an environment of curiosity. One of my favorite quotes shared by my own analyst in my first weeks of therapy years ago:

    • “Do I contradict myself; very well, then. I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.” -Walt Whitman

    • We are just so stinking complex and layered as humans. So, it feels paramount that we can be lovingly curious when exploring ourselves.

  • Approaching pain points, experienced regrets, perceived failures, etc., with gentleness. We all come with incredibly tender pieces of ourselves.

  • Looking at personal, familial, systemic, and cultural factors that help inform or frame distress. There are so many layers within and outside of ourselves that play significant roles.

  • I love and value your emotions! While I try not to ask the cliche therapist question, “how does that make you feel?," I will ask about your feelings.

    • We know that so much distress can be reduced when we give space to our true felt emotions.

One of the most energizing things I experience is witnessing someone living out or discovering their true self, particularly when that self is held in the complexity and messiness of contexts that may be contradictory or prickly. It takes so much courage to be who you are, especially in a world that highly values sameness and familiar frameworks. What identities or experiences do you hold that you want to explore?


My approach

The way I like to describe my approach to therapy is with the imagery of a tree, broken down into 3 parts.

  • At the top you have the branches and leaves, which represent those symptoms you experience on a day to day basis (e.g., anxiety, depression, distress about a relationship, etc.).

  • The trunk represents the values, morals, and beliefs you hold about yourself (e.g., I am lovable/unlovable, loyalty, etc.).

  • Finally, the roots, which are under the surface and varying depths, represent all of the experiences, emotions, thoughts, and relationships that shape and inform the rest of who we present or experience ourselves to be. Yes, this means I will ask about your parents/caregivers. ;)

When starting out, I will talk a bit more with clients about the branches and leaves, to look at ways to manage the day to day in a way that might feel a bit less distressing. Then, we might identify some of what makes up the trunk. A large portion of what I focus on, though, are the roots. It takes time to build trust to truly explore all of those pieces, however, this work can be so rich and create space for more long lasting, fulfilling life experiences.




  • Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology

  • M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology

  • B.A. in Psychology from Concordia University, St. Paul


Licensed Psychologist (LP) in the state of Minnesota =

License #LP6728

PsyPact Certification

Mobility #11799

National Register of Health Service Psychologists Credentialed Psychologist

ID# 149926

Professional Affiliations:

American Psychological Association

American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists